Emmy winning writing-- copywriting--content writing- cartooning--graphic recording--composing-- digital storytelling-- graphic design
LOG LINE: MATCHES is a sitcom about a contemporary American family living in the new world of divorce, economic instability, and online dating.
The story involves an extended family who are all in the middle of transition.
Lee Ann is the central character, bubbly and friendly to all. People of all kinds gravitate to her wherever she goes—to the grocery store, the beach, the mall, always wanting to talk to her and be her friend. She is 45 and is now one year divorced from her husband of 20 years. Her son has been deceased for 3. Lee is now embarking on a new life, which includes the online dating game and moving in with her parents she attempts to buy a new place with the money from her divorce settlement. But she does not have a job. She is finally ready to go on her first online date
Erin is David’s ex-wife’s sister and a very hot pistol, at 40. She lives nearby and has been divorced three times. Having graduated in Psychology, she worked as an airline attendant then went into “modeling,” and is now an “internet and fitness model,” which means she sells pictures of herself on the internet in the nude and appears in occasional magazine. She sees herself on the edge of stardom (but she’s really on the other side of it) but can’t find a single decent guy to date (or who can handle her). She has a daughter who is 14 who is beautiful and extremely precocious.
Chris is Lee’s deceased son, 22 when he died, who worked in theatre and the arts. He appears to Lee in her mind, but no one else can see him. Lee uses him to throw out ideas and test her life. How he died remains a mystery until the end of the series.
Doug is a part-time fundamentalist preacher and used car salesman, 49 years old. He had his own large church but was discharged after his divorce and now also lives with his parents. Doug is extremely eccentric, as he smokes cigarettes, smokes pot, drinks, and has one internet affair after another (always needy women who end up having a host of issues who he “counsels”), while still leading church services in the local park every Sunday. His favorite show is the Three Stooges, and he is a right-wing Republican. Doug is a bit overweight, bald, and thinks he’s God’s gift to women: totally clueless. Doug also has a daughter who is a lesbian.
David is the older brother, 52 and an adjunct professor, writer, and musician. He lives minimally, is a left-wing Socialist, not religious, directly the opposite of his brother, yet the funny thing is he and Doug have many quirks in common, especially when it comes to dating and women (which comes out in the show). He is recently divorced and moving in with the folks. David has a son.
Papa is the patriarch of the family, now in his mid 70s. He was a successful blue-collar businessman but most of his money has run out. He has an Archie Bunker/W.C. Fields style of humor and satire but is a liberal and hates Republicans, though he did vote once for Reagan. In the past he had lived a “colorful” life but is now toned down. He is constantly having to dole out money to his kids and grandkids who have gone or are going broke.
Nana, (also in her mid 70s) is a sweetheart who has lived without ever raising her voice or causing a commotion, putting up with Papa and everyone else as a good Christian woman, which she truly is. But as she has aged she has awakened to many things and is no longer quite the long-suffering wife and mother, more willing to voice her opinions, though usually in a very sweet manner. She and Papa have gone together since 7th grade.
Aunt Birdie is 75 and lives with Nana, Papa, Doug, and Lee. She has the look of an old Hollywood movie star and a firecracker wit. She has been married 6 times, but still is looking to hit it big with a man with some real money, and has entered the internet dating scene as well. She is opinionated about everything, is hilariously funny, and often a real pain in the ass. She has been perpetually addicted to gamboling most of her life, which is how she lost all her money. Internet dating becomes her new addiction.